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ISO Design Work

ISO 11064 Design of Control Centres


PDuX fully understands the requirements and benefits of ISO 11064 and has the expertise and experience necessary to ensure compliance so as to improve operability, safety and reduce whole and through life costs of the control room being designed. As a result of our extensive experience in designing, building and assuring control room designs PDuX offers a range of services with respect to ISO 11064 based upon the Lifecyle as required by the standard as follows:

The services required will depend on the stage of design, the complexity of the control room and the level of risk associated with the control rooms tasks and objectives. A brief description of the services offered is provided below.


Control Room Design and Build-Full Design Lifecycle


This service offering ensures full compliance with ISO 11064 and will maximises human performance and operability of the control room being built. Overall, it reduced whole life costs as risk and issues are identified early and mitigated prior to design freeze. This would typically include Steps 1-10 of the figure above.


The deliverables for this service would be a number of technical reports to ensure full ISO11064 compliance and a final ISO 11064 Ergonomics Design Report.



Independent Assurance and Verification of Candidate and Realised Control Room Designs


This service provides an assurance of proposed and realised designs in that the control room meets the design process and technical ergonomics requirements of ISO 9241.  This service offers assurance by assessment against a number of detailed technical requirements and would include assessment of issues such as:


  • Sightlines, workspace design, space and thorough fares;
  • Physical ergonomics (clearance, access, reach);
  • Environmental ergonomics (such as vision, lighting and sound);
  • Operational linkages and control room general arrangement;
  • Control room furniture (such as desks , seating, displays, office equipment etc).


The deliverable for this service would be a control design gap analysis that outlines areas of best practice and prioritised areas for improvement (if required).


Verification of  Requirements Candidate and Realised Control Room Designs


This service is less detailed than that for independent assurance. It still undertakes a gap analysis and identified areas of best practice and prioritised areas for improvement. This service has a restricted scope in that it is limited to following:


  • General Control Room Design Principles;
  • Control Room Space and General Arrangement (including line of sight);
  • Physical Ergonomics.


As with the previous offering, the deliverable for this service would be a control design gap analysis that outlines areas of best practice and prioritised areas for improvement (only lesser in scope than the full independent assurance activity).


Future Expansion and Learning from Experience Assessment


This service examines the feasibility and ability for an existing control room design to be expanded in terms of number of operators, co-location of new roles and equipment. It also utilised operational feedback and learning from experience that is derived from the commissioning authority and/or control room operators. This activity provides an assessment as to the feasibility of control room expansion/lifetime extension and will examine key issues such as:


  • Operational feedback;
  • Lessons learnt from any degraded modes of operation or emergency scenarios that have or may occur;
  • Changes to the control rooms Concept of Operations that impact space, number of operators and the equipment that the control will require.


The deliverable for this service will be a future expansion or life extension assessment report.

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